Just seven more days for the beginning of the Advent season.
Today is the Feast of Christ the King.
For me this feast is especially meaningful. My Catholic Mexican family was so affected by this historical event that we dare not forget the suffering that those close to us endured in the name of Christ. The story may or may not be known to many so go here to find out more about this dark period of the Catholic Church in Mexico.
The persecution was so fierce and so many people gave their life for their faith in Jesus Christ that I assumed that all Catholics knew of these atrocities. I think that after John Paul II beatified them on his visit to Mexico in 2000 more Catholics became aware of their sacrifice made for their faith.
One of the martyrs was Blessed Miguel Pro. The following is a prayer attributed to him:
Does our life become from day to day more painful, more oppressive, more replete with afflictions? Blessed be He a thousand times who desires it so. If life be harder, love makes it also stronger, and only this love, grounded on suffering, can carry the Cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. Love without egotism, without relying on self, but enkindling in the depth of the heart an ardent thirst to love and suffer for all those around us: a thirst that neither misfortune nor contempt can extinguish... I believe, O Lord; but strengthen my faith... Heart of Jesus, I love Thee; but increase my love. Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee; but give greater vigor to my confidence. Heart of Jesus, I give my heart to Thee; but so enclose it in Thee that it may never be separated from Thee. Heart of Jesus, I am all Thine; but take care of my promise so that I may be able to put it in practice even unto the complete sacrifice of my life.
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Thirty days until CHRISTmas!
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