Sunday, December 2, 2007

Monday, December 3 - Time Has a New Meaning

Today is the second day of the Advent season.

And time has a new meaning, as we wait, in expectation. And what can we do. Well, pray seems to be what we are doing in our house. But also, we are trying to spend our time being more. I am trying to be more patient with D. and he with me. Julian is much more well-behaved (although I suspect that it has something to do with a fat man dressed in red). We are trying to be more generous. D., who never gives people on the street money (I mean NEVER), gave a man one euro (also unusual for him).
We have so little time to get prepared for His coming. And I don't just mean CHRISTmas. No, I mean it in the larger scheme of things. And we only seem to remember it in the four weeks prior to CHRISTmas.
My sincere hope is that this "season of more" lasts past CHRISTmas, Epiphany and the coming year.

An Advent prayer from Catholic Online:

Father, all-powerful God, your eternal Word took flesh on our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to heart the voice which announces his glory and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

My own Jesus, what you ask is beyond me. I can hardly understand half of the things you want. I am unworthy. I am sinful. I am weak. Go, Jesus, and find a more worthy soul, a more generous one. —Mother Teresa

The Jesse Tree is well on its way. Julian constantly wants to make sure that this will not be the only tree in this house. Don't worry Julian, Our house will look like a Winter Wonderland in no time at all.

Twenty-two days until CHRISTmas!


Bego said...

tree tree tree!

we have a new puppy, for whom CHRISTmas (I like how you write it) is a brand new adventure. there's no evangelizing to a dog, but even she senses there's something wonderful in the air!

waiting and watching


Bego said...

tree tree tree!

we have a new puppy, for whom CHRISTmas (I like how you write it) is a brand new adventure. there's no evangelizing to a dog, but even she senses there's something wonderful in the air!

waiting and watching
